#kawase in kanji
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palletize · 1 year ago
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View of Kozu in Osaka by Kawase Hasui [Tokyo,1924]
Todays Japanese Study Log
New Kanji
希, Wish, き|念, Thought, ねん|折, Fold, せつ|望, Hope, ぼう|材, Lumber, ざい
Trouble Vocab
Trouble Grammar
I spent a good chunk of time reading up on the difference between these two and in the simplest terms それに adds info to the statement it's referring to and それで indicates that the statement it's referring to acts as an explanation for the statement that follows it.
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daily-hyosatsu · 2 years ago
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Another river name today! That's three in a row. 川瀬 is usually read Kawase like this, but can also be Kawaze.
川 is read kawa or sen, and it means river.
瀬 is read se or rai, and it's another watery kanji. It means rapids, current, torrent, shallows, or shoal. We have the water radical 氵on the left and 頼 trust/request on the right. That's made up of 束 bind/bundle/control and 頁 page/leaf.
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ilikeswing · 8 months ago
"Enrai" by Adelta and Haiiro Logic Turkish Translation
Tutulmuş el ele, şahane bir gülümseme Şafak vakti duyuluyor, "Bu Sefiller'den"* Gelen yağmur o günün yalanlarını, çıkarıp gülüyor İstediğim her şey çalınmış benden Ama sen, senden, tiksiniyorum
Acıdıysan hadi, ağlayacaksan ağla? Seni tanıyacağım yok, kendi kendime geziniyorum* Yazın yeniden yükselen bulutlar gibi Sana ihtiyacım yok, kendi kendimi kandırıyorum*
Geri gelmeyen sözler, buz gibi gelen gülümsemeler Şafak vakti duyuluyor, "Bu Sefiller'den"
Çamurlanmış, geceye dalınmış, hepsi uyumamak için bahane Buraya gelip kaybolursan Sana, sana, çok uzakta
Üzüldüysen hadi, ağlayacaksan ağla? Zaten kırılacak kalbe ihtiyaç yok Elbet yine gelecek buraya fırtına Burada daha duracağım yok, kendi kendime mırıldanıyorum
Gelen yağmur o günün yalanlarını, çıkarıp gülüyor İstediğim her şey çalınmış benden Ama sen, senden, tiksiniyorum
Acıdıysan hadi, ağlayacaksan ağla? Sana ihtiyacım yok, kendi kendimi kandırıyorum Elbet yine gelecek buraya fırtına Bırakmasaymışım keşke, senin şemsiyeni
Enrai: 遠雷 uzaktaki gök gürültüsü demektir.
Sefiller: Fransız yazar Victor Hugo'nun romanı.
"Seni tanıyacağım yok, kendi kendime geziniyorum" Japonca orjinalinde 「君なんか知らない、 一人さすらう」 diye geçiyor, cümlede özne olmadığı için "Seni bilmeden kendi kendime geziniyorum" veya "Seni bilmiyor, tek başına geziniyor" vs şekilde de yorumlanabilir.
"Sana ihtiyacım yok, kendi kendimi kandırıyorum" Japonca orjinalinde 「君なんかいらない一人うそぶく」 diye geçiyor. Kanji kullanılmadan yazıldığı içinうそぶく'nun burdaki anlamı biraz belirsiz, hem "böbürlenmek" hem de "yalan söylemek" olarak çevrilebilir. Eğer うそぶく'yu "böbürlenmek" olarak alırsak şöyle de çevrilebilir; "Sana ihtiyacım yok diye kendi kendime böbürleniyorum"
Bu şarkı Koshotengai no Hashihime/Hashihime of the Old Book Town oyunundaki Kawase karakterinin karakter şarkısıdır.
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noviceaoiryusei · 10 months ago
HANDSOME ANTHEM - チーム・ハンサム! (Team Handsome!) lyrics [kanji/romaji]
言わずと知れた壁ドン王子 Iwazu to shireta kabedon ouji プラスに導いてく don't worry Purasu ni michibiiteku don't worry 料理だって お手のもん Ryouri datte otenomon 白馬で通過 大手の門 Hakuba de tsuuka oote no mon 把握してます カメラワーク Haakushitemasu kamera waaku 日々精進為せば成る Hibi shoujin nasebanaru 君への返事 笑顔同封 Kimi e no henji egao doufu まずはこいつだ水田航生 Mazu wa koitsu da Mizuta Kouki
役者魂 丸坊主 Yakusha tamashii marubouzu 見つけ出すハマる構図 Mitsukedasu hamaru kouzu どうする どう演じよう Dousuru dou enjiyou 学びに欠かせないペンにノート Manabi ni kakasenai pen ni noto かかせて大量の汗 Kakasete tairyou no ase 向かう未知なる最高の果て 空のかなた Mukau michinaru saikou no hate sora no kanata 繊細ドラマー早まる鼓動 Sensai dorama hayamaru kodou 恋愛ドラマ Renai dorama
おうちで戯れる (猫) Ouchi de tawamureru (neko) つんで片づける (レゴ) Tsunde katadzukeru (rego) 花開く優しい根っこ Hanahiraku yasashii nekko 前進中我が道 let go Zenshin chu wagamichi let go 笑う門福 in the house Waraukado fuku in the house ゆるくも芯がある良いバランス Yuruku mo shin ga aru yoi baransu ここで1回生存確認 Koko de ikkai seizon kakunin 元気ですか? 鳴ってる着信 Genki desu ka? natteru chakushin
自他共に認める(ソース顔) Jita tomoni mitomeru (sousu kao) 元々入っている (ノーズシャドウ) Motomoto haiteru (nozu shadou) ハイライト入れた憧れのストーリー Hairaito ireta akogare no sutorii ダイエット法なら試した幾通り Daietto hounara tameshita ikutouri
北の大地から登場純白の青年 Kita no daichi kara toujou junpaku no seinen 見せたい新たな表情 Misetai aratana hyoujou 聞こえてくる黄色い声援 Kikoete kuru kiiroi seien so fresh so clean かじりつく So fresh so clean kajiritsuku グリーンアップル Guriin Appuru 木陰に揺れてお茶を飲んで Kokage ni yurete ocha wo nonde 一息ついたらこの名を呼んで Hitoiki tsuitara kono na o yonde
(弓矢の矢!) 心揺らいだ (Yumiya no ya!) Kokoro yuraida 君の手を引く cause I'm your rider Kimi no te o hiku cause I'm your rider なびく髪起す wave Nabiku kami okosu wave 射抜くハートに灯すflame Inuku haato ni tomosu flame 握手交わそう カワウソ Akushu kawasou kawauso あと何分話そう Ato nanbu hanasou ため息の代わりに���付け Tameiki no kawari ni kuchidzuke お洒落にファッション Oshare ni fasshon お喋りバッション Oshaberi basshon
風を受けて走れ Kaze wo ukete hashire 続くこのレール辿って Tsudzuku kono reeru tadotte 描いた場所近づくほどにさざめく Egaita basho chikadzuku hodo ni sazameku さぁ旅に出よう find a way Saa tabi ni de you find a way 君からのエールも抱いて Kimi kara no eeru mo daite 繋いだバトン手を伸ばせ未来へと Tsunaida baton te wo nobase mirai e to
会場小さくないですか? Kaijou chiisakunai desu ka? 愛情足りなくないですか? Aijou tarinakunai desu ka? お願い こっちを向いてよハニー Onegai kocchi wo muite yo hanii 最年長でみんなの兄 Sainenchou de minna no ani 猪突猛進 ちょっとツボ押し Chototsumoushi chotto tsubo oshi 緊張ほぐしてます初通し Kinchou hogushitemasu hatsu toushi ピンチの時は抱きしめるだって Pinchi no toki wa dakishimeru datte 生まれた時から君だけのHERO Umareta toki kara kimi dake no hero
空気以上に台本を読んで Kuuki ijou ni daihon wo yonde 芝居仲間 相棒と飲んで Shibai nakama aibou to nonde 今日も稽古いったい今何場? Kyou mo keiko ittai ima nanba? ワンツーとんでお待ちかねサンバ Wantsuu tonde o machikane sanba 富や名声追いかけて挫くより Tomi ya meisei oikakete kujiku yori 手にするテクニック Te ni suru tekunikku 捉われない固定観念 Towararenai kotei kannen ワンツーとんで石の上三年 Wantsuu tonde ishi no uesannen
彗星の如く現れた(新世代!) Suisei no gotoku awareta (Shin sedai!) ジャンルの垣根越え ダンス Janru no kakine koe dansu 仲間を (タスケタイ!) Nakama wo (tasuketai!) 別にいいじゃん かまってちゃん Betsu ni iijan kamatte chan 今日も勢い余ってターン Kyou mo ikioi amatte taan 指でなぞったシルエット Yubi de nazotta shiruetto シェネパッセピルエット Sheine passe piruetto
SNSより記録を更新 SNS yori kiroku wo koushin メール代わりに魅力を送信 Meeru kawarini miryoku wo soushin ありのまま ごく自然体 Arinomama goku shizentai メリハリつけ目視全体 Meriharitsuke mokushi zentai 小さくまとまらない Chiisaku matomaranai 当てた1発じゃ止まらない Ateta ichipatsu ja tomaranai 涙の結晶 pay attention Namida no kessho pay attention 唯一無二 so so 1 Yuuitsu muni so so one
聴こえてる?リスナー Kikoeteru? risunaa 辛い時は無理すんな Tsurai toki wa murisunna のっけからポッケからキュン Nokke kara pokke kara kyun こう見えて至って単純 Kou miete itatte tanjun 振りカエル前に塗り替える Furi kaeru mae ni nurikaeru おニューのシャツがスタイルに映える O nyuu no shatsu ga sutairu ni haeru 疲れたら浸かる温泉 Tsukaretara tsukaru onsen キミノリズムママが挑戦 Kimi no rizumu mama ga chousen
出身 大阪 マイフッド Shushin Osaka mai fuddo 夢は大きくハリウッド Yume wa ookiku hariuddo いつかは披露したい英語 Itsuka wa hiroushitai eigo 走り続ける未来永劫 Hashiri tsudzukeru mirai eigo
受けたオーディション面接 Uketa oodishon mensetsu ここから始まる伝説 Koko kara hajimaru densetsu 画面をつけてかけるエンジン Gamen o tsukete kakeru enjin 仮面被っていざ変身 Kamen kabutte iza henshin
優しくて大きい志 Yasashikute ooki kokorozashi 寂しくて集うお友達 Sabishikute tsudou o tomodachi ライト浴びたい大舞台で Raito abitai dai butai de 日進月歩 体育会系 Nisshingeppo taiikukaikei
最年少(現状) Sainenshou kakko genjou (**note: he read the "parenthesis") かっ飛ばします ないよ天井 Kattobashimasu nai yo tenjou 西から東右から左 Nishi kara hidashi migi kara hidari 注目の的右肩上がり Chuumoku no teki migikata agari 音が鳴ればとめどねーぜ Oto ga nareba tomedone ne ze お腹鳴れば(ジェノベーゼ!) Onaka nareba (jenobeze!) 出番がくるこのあと緊張 Deban ga kuru kono ato kinchou 伸びてるフォロワーと身長 Nobiteru forowaa to shinchou
エンターテイナー(it's a show!) Entaateinaa (it's a show!) 一杯やってく? (いざしょー!) Ippai yatteku? (izasho!) つけまじゃないよ (じまつげ!) Tsukema janai yo (jimatsuge) 陰で努力(一夜漬け!) Kage de doryoku (ichiyadzuke!) 真ん中より 愛されポジ Mannaka yori aisare poji 先輩してても時にはドジ Senpaishitetemo toki ni wa doji 直立不動 stay tuned Chokuritsu fudou stay tuned ちょっと只今ゲームプレイ中 Chotto tadaima geemu purei chu
100人に1人の(逸材!) Hyakuri ni hitori no (itsuzai!) 爆進中の(逸材!) Bakushinchu ni (itsuzai) あくまでアクター(ヘビー級!) Akumade akutaa (hebii kyu!) お外でお肉 (BBQ!) Oosotogari de oniku (bbq!) 画面に収まらないので引いて下さい Gamen ni atsumaranai no de hiite kudasai もっと大きくなっても引かないで下さい Motto ookikunatte mo hikanaidekudasai 栄養満点 前転バク転 Eiyou manten zenten bakuten 前人未到の(霊長ルイ!) Zenjinmitou no (reichou rui!)
圧倒的歌うま Attouteki utauma S Ky's the limit Super Star 高身長かつ強心臟 Koushinchou katsu tsuyo shinzou 美声を浴びればクラクラ Bisei wo abireba kurakura 時に天然かまします Toki ni tennen kamashimasu 眩しい光 放ちます Mabushii hikari hanachimasu あと何ステやりましょうか Ato nan sute yarimashou ka Show must go on
投げる愛はいつだって直球 Nageru ai wa itsudatte chokkyuu ベース弾いて スウィングして Besu hajiite suingushite 海を越え轟く Umi o koe todoroku
電光石火練ったネタオチ担当 Denkkosekka netta neta ochi tantou 無鉄砲滅多にないチャンス Muteppou mettaninai chansu 狙う 虎視眈々と Nerau koshitantan to 爪痕出来るだけ残したいこの会場に Tsumeato dekiru dake nokoshitai kono kaijou ni 最後尾まで想いよ届け All eyes on me Saigobi made omoi yo todoke all eyes on me
ステージ映像 全方位 Suteeji eizou zen houi 天使の笑みに全員フォーリン Tenshii no emi ni zennin fourin 奪う心恋は盲目 Ubau kokoro koi wa moumoku 誘う 次の扉 knock knock Izanau tsugi no tobira knock knock 夏季になったら履く短パン Kaki ni nattara haku tanpan 歌詞に出てくるほど食パン Kashi ni detekuru hodo shokupan 先輩後輩の真ん中 Senpai kouhai no mannaka 一点突破四番打者 Itten toppa yoban dasha
頭からマイク握りライミング Atama kara maiku nigiri raimingu 待ってろ君に会いに行く Mattero kimi ni ai ni iku 階段降りから段違い Kaidan furi kara dan chigai 聞かせて そばで感じたい Kikasete soba de kanjitai 作ってみた ミュージック 監視 Tsukuttemita myujikku kanshi piece of cake, スイーツ男子 Piece of cake, suiitsu danshi カウンターブロー 異次元で Kauntaaburo i jigen de dress up 華麗に七変化 Dress up karei ni shichihenge
風を受けて走れ Kaze wo ukete hashire 続くこのレール辿って Tsudzuku kono reru tadotte 描いた場所近づくほどにさざめく Egaita basho chikadzuku hodo ni sazameku さぁ旅に出よう find a way Saa tabi ni de you find a way 君からのエールも抱いて Kimi kara no eeru mo daite 繋いだバトン手を伸ばせ未来へと Tsunaida baton te wo nobase mirai e to
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dare-g · 4 years ago
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Being Natural (2018)
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svasyap · 5 years ago
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yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange being) is a class of supernatural monsters, spirits and demons in Japanese folklore. The word yōkai is made up of the kanji for "bewitching; attractive; calamity" and "mystery; suspicious". They can also be called ayakashi (あやかし), mononoke (物の怪) or mamono (魔物). 
drawing inspired by forest spirits kodamas from Princess Mononoke Studio Ghibli movie.
artist: Kawase Hasui, Japanese old woodblock canvas print mashup
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morimyulyrics · 3 years ago
It’s time for the ball! These are put as two songs in the lyric booklet, but the transition between them is just so smooth, I didn’t have the heart to take the apart.
I think the thing I love about Op.2 is just how accurate the vibe of the tracks are to whatever is happening. Hunting of the Baskervilles had that hunting vibe in “Making the Devils Pay”. The train scene had such playful but also very “I’m thinking about this mystery” tunes. And now we have a very playful (because they’re playing a game) masquerade melody.
Ano onna kaku shisaku seri - Sono ichi | Her thoughts - Part I
Characters: Irene Adler, William James Moriarty (speech only: Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Fred Porlock), Ensemble
素顔隠したマスカレイド 正体隠した秘密の交渉 手紙託したあの男は 必ず私に接触してくる
相手も交渉するしかない 他に道などないのだから 受けて立つはあなたの果たし状 マスカレイド 望むところだわ
今宵ここは仮面を集い我ら 貴族ペルソナ纏いて 囁き交わす秘密な饗宴 踊れ 遊べ Ah マスカレイド
今宵のゲームは犯罪教探し 我らの中に潜む犯罪教 貴族探しの犯罪教の如く 血のあと残し人を殺す 死んだ者は去らねばならぬ さあ 見つけ出せ犯罪教を
歌おう闇のオペラを 気高き理想への旋律を
奏でよう闇のオペラを 新しき世界のために
Sugao kakushita masquerade Shoutai kakushita himitsu no koushou Tegami takushita ano otoko wa Kanarazu watashi ni sesshoku shitekuru
Aite mo koushou suru shika nai Hoka ni michi nado nai no dakara Ukete tatsu wa anata no katashijou Masquerade Nozomu tokoro da wa
Koyoi koko wa kamen no tsudoi warera Kizoku persona matoite Sasayaki kawase himitsu na kyoen Odore Asobe Ah Masquerade
Koyoi no geemu wa hanzaikyou Sagashi warera no naka ni hisomu hanzaikyou Kizoku sagashi no hanzaikyou no gotoku Chi no ato nokoshi hito wo korosu Shinda mono wa saraneba naranu Saa mitsukedase hanzaikyou wo
Utaou yami no opera wo Kedakaki risou he no senritsu wo
Kanadeyou yami no opera Atarashiki sekai no tame ni
English (lyrics+dialogue)
Irene: An invitation to a masquerade.
A masquerade where our identities are hidden Negotiating while hiding our identities I’m sure that man who gave me this invitation will approach me at the party
I’m sure they also mean to negotiate There’s no other way I shall accept your challenge The masquerade is just what I wanted
Tonight, we gather wearing masks putting on a noble persona whispering in this secret banquet Dance Play Ah Masquerade
Albert: Louis, please tell William I’m counting on him. Louis: Yes, leave it to me. William: I understand, nii-san.
Tonight’s game is Lord of Crime We must find the Lord of Crime hiding within the crowd akin to the Lord of Crime aiming for nobles He’ll kill people by leaving a mark And those who are killed must leave Let’s find the Lord of Crime
Sing, opera of darkness Play melodies to your noble ideals
Moran: So this is the theatre Lawrinson will attack. Louis: Let’s hurry. According to nii-san’s plans- Moran: I get it, I get it. Fred: Everything is ready.
Play your tunes, opera of darkness For the new world
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papillonprisme · 5 years ago
Hakase and Tamamori’s SS from Cool-B Vol.81
Jiriri, ri, ri
The lonely sound of cicadas fills the empty school building. The sunset outside is pretty but if I stare at it too long, my eye will go bad. Shielding my eye, I continue to traverse the school building.
This is the imperial capital’s elementary school. Of course, it’s not the real world but inside of Hakase’s dream.
...Going back to last night. Both the air conditioner and fan broke, so it was steaming hot. It seemed like Hakase’s having a bad dream since he kept muttering “Please help me..!”. It happened around 30 times... He acted as if nothing happened the next morning, but I couldn’t get his sleep talk out of my mind.
What came to mind then was the thought intervention machine, Floating Bridge, Hakase told me about. I can never forget something like it. With the Floating Bridge, you can enter the other person’s consciousness and experience their troubles and worries.
Right now, I’m in Hakase’s dream and Hakase’s in mine. I don’t know what he’s doing over there, but it seems like I’ve successfully entered Hakase’s nightmare.
I decided to do this because Hakase’s voice last night, just like the cicadas’ cries, sounded so lonely... I tried opening the classroom doors but they seemed to be locked. As if on purpose, only the classroom at the very end has its doors open.
I can hear noises coming from the room. Inside, a young Hakase seems to be writing something on a paper bigger than his own face with great effort. When I took off my shoes (?), with a startled look, Hakase stiffened.
“W-Who is it...?” “My name’s Tamamori. One of your house servants.” “.....” He seems to be on guard. An unknown man entering a supposedly safe place like school is after all scary I guess. To ease Hakase’s worries, I try to come up with a story.*
((Reason or excuse fits better honestly but it doesn’t sound as good?))
“Since it’s past the usual time and you haven’t came home, I’m here to pick you up.” “............” Hakase moves from the table and slowly retreats to the back of the class. I guess I look like a suspicious adult to him.*
((So here Tamamori is actually saying the lighting from the back due to the sunset and his all black attire makes him look ominous, but I don’t know how to word it...)
I can’t help but to wonder who’s the cause of the nightmare now... “Right, let’s go home.” “..!” Slipping by me, Hakase runs out of the classroom and into the hallway. From the start, I was never good with kids. Even if he is Hakase, it seems I’ve miscalculated the distance between us. I immediately run after him, but the sunset painted hallway strangely extends and grow longer. Hakase tries to escape into another classroom, but they all seem to be locked. ...Hakase himself made (dreamed up?) this hallway with no escape, but it only seems to scare him further.
“H-Hakase, look here! It’s the tin goldfish you gave me!” After that a tin soldier, a tin rabbit! One by one I pull them out of my pocket. Tucking them close to my chest, I run up to Hakase. Souvenirs from Sagarmatha, a well used dildo, gradually he starts to see how deep our memories go. (??)
((Okay, what? I think I’m misunderstanding this sentence. Did Tamamori pull out a dildo in front of a kid?? ))
When I pull out the castella on a stick, the hallway comes to a dead-end. That’s where I corner Hakase. ...But compared to the other toys, Hakase’s eye shines the brightest when he sees the castella on a stick. Is this really alright..? It’s sweets from a stranger you know. Slowly he approaches me, and took the castella from my hand. Then silently he starts to eat. What a careless kid I want to say, but I guess it’s fine since it’s only a dream........
“...It’s past 5 you know. Why haven’t you gone home yet?” “My homework’s not finished yet.” “What about the others?” “They went home already.” “You should bring your homework with you and go home too.” “......” “There are people who’s worried about you you know.” The young Hakase drops his gaze to the floor. I understand now. The memory of not being able to go home because of unfinished homework is troubling him. Perhaps the trigger of the bad dream is the cicadas’ cries. When the air conditioner broke down, we decided to open the window before going to sleep. Because of that the cicadas’ cry can often be clearly heard at dawn. With a Don I thump at my chest. “I’ll help you with your homework!” How hard can an elementary school student’s homework be?
“After that, let’s go home, okay?” “.....Thank you very much.” That troubled way of laughing doesn’t seem to change even now.
It didn’t take long for us to return to the classroom. Sitting next to Hakase, I pick up the pencil and start to write......or so I thought. My hand stops. A first grader should be practicing his Hiragana right? ...Even if he’s a student of the imperial capital’s elementary school, to be asked to write such a hard to read Kanji is....... “...Is this really your homework?” “........” “Who told you to do this?” Now that I look at it, there’s way too many homework for one person. I double check the stack of papers and they all have the same text. I was just about to start when I notice a completely solved sheet is already there. “Give me the order and I’ll tear all of this apart.” “Please stop......” “Should I turn them into paper airplanes? Draw portraits and burn them?” “Please don’t...” Hakase shakes his head. ......He doesn’t seem to realize this is a dream. He must be scared of what will happen tomorrow should I do that. “Please, let’s just do the homework together.” “........” “Tamamori san...” Hakase’s peace of mind is my wish. I truly want to burn these papers but that means going against Hakase’s request.
“If you tell me to do it, I’ll do it. But Hakase, I don’t think this will solve anything...” “?” “This is bullying.” “I’m the one at fault so it can’t be helped...... It’s because my eye’s disgusting......” “You should pluck out the eyes of brats who say that kind of thing! Do you hear me?” “I can’t do that......” “Then let’s do this instead. I’ll write the wrong answers and doodle all over the paper!” “!?” “Thinking up mistakes is interesting you know!” I write an obscene Kanji in front of the surprised Hakase. “How do you read that?” “You don’t need to know. Here, you copy this.” “But if I write the wrong answers.....!” “Well, there should be no more brats relying on you for homework.” “!” Hakase’s lips quiver and his cheeks flush. It seems like he’s trying to hold back laughter. This time I’m happy about the contracting distance between us. (?) “Don’t be surprised, Hakase, but I come from the future.” “Future?” “You called for help right? That’s why I came!” “......Interesting.” This time Hakase smiles from ear to ear. Cute! So cute! I reach out and put my hand on top of his head and just like a cat wanting to be rubbed, he stretches his back. That’s even cuter! Unexpectedly, Hakase takes my hand and put it to his cheek. At that, my heart jolts. ...But, I have a bad feeling about this...
“So if I continue to hurt, I can meet you again right!” “!!?” “I’m so happy!” “U-Um, I came here to get rid of your pain....” “I’ll endure any kind of pain, so please come and save me again!”* “!!” “Hurry and finish the homework. And then we can play a game I thought up.” No, this is wrong. I just wanted to clear up the darkness in Hakase’s heart..............................!
A strong headache woke me up. At my right is Kawase wearing two layers of face-mask. R-Right. We needed someone to operate the Floating Bridge so Kawase was asked to help.
“Did you finish what you set out to do?” “T-That’s... Rather than finishing....”
In front of my eye is Hakase hugging himself, looking happy. He’ll also wake up soon I think. Feeling a headache setting in, I grabbed my own head.
I don’t know what kind of dream Hakase is seeing inside of me. ...Ahh, who the hell cares! But, I feel like I’ll be the one seeing a nightmare tonight.
“I think I just made things more complicated.......”
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fxasker-blog · 8 years ago
How will I benefit from creating an EA or strategy with varengold?
How will I benefit from creating an EA or strategy with varengold? Read More http://fxasker.com/question/91449c119adc87b6/ FXAsker
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315-no-stage · 5 years ago
[20190827] TFG 「My dear Summer」Release Event Photo Session fan report
(Yeah, I know it’s been over two weeks since the event. LOL I’m not much of a timely blogger but if you want the blow-by-blow as it happens, my Twitter is the best bet. I tend to word vomit especially when I’m going through an anxiety episode... as you would see later on. I’m mostly doing this for memory keeping, for myself lmao. And for information too, if you’re interested, especially if you’re a fan living outside of Japan. Please keep in mind that my listening skills are stronger than my speaking skills. However, when put on the spot, under pressure, that goes all away ahaha. I can’t read Japanese apart from name kanji.)
I guess I should begin when I first heard about this event. It was around May 2019 when the TFG twitter announced that they are holding a two-shot cheki chance event to celebrate the release of their first single My dear Summer. At that time, I simply wanted to get my hands on the CD lol. We had dreams of going to Anisamano plans of going to Japan any time soon (since I only just came back from my Tokyo no Jin trip earlier that month). 
I had my brother help me out with buying the CDs (Google Translate can only do so much) when he actually encouraged me to try for the cheki. He said it’s a lottery system, as usual, and it won’t hurt to try since I’m buying stuff anyway. So I did. I bought both the First Press Limited Edition sets A and B using my boy Haruto Sakuraba’s link and didn’t really think much of it. They said they were going to announce winners on July 24. The event was the following month, August 27.
The ball started rolling after that. July was the 2.5D Actor Appreciation Month. #25DAAM on twitter.I featured Haruto and Mayu Yoshioka on mine. Then we somehow secured tickets to Anisama 2019. A small part of me was hoping... what if I hit for that cheki chance with Haruto. Anisama was happening the weekend of the cheki event after all. My brother was willing to either go to Japan early or stay late. Our schedule all depended on the cheki event results.
The day before results were to be released, I was a mess. It’s been a long time since I got a panic episode but something was in the water that day. Add to that, the results. The time difference threw me off and I was obsessively checking my email. My brother told me to give it a full 24 hours to account for the time difference. So what did I do? I distracted myself with Kenji Arita lmao. My brother and I had been fairly lucky with chuusen whether it be for tickets or fan events. The last time I attempted a lottery was for the Nelke Planning panel with Shiratorizawa at JF19. I didn’t hit for that because they only recognized actual JP addresses and my proxy wasn’t allowed. (But it was all good because the standby crowd got so large they allowed us to watch behind the ticket winners anyway haha.) I was praying that that won’t be the case here too.
When I woke up the next morning for work, I checked my email... and it was there.  I had my brother actually open the email and translate for me. We were looking for a "できません" but instead, it was a long email full of instructions and congratulations. I actually got picked! I read and re-read the email many times just to convince myself that I actually won. The email said that exact time and place of the event was to be announced only to winners in a separate email nearer the date. Cool cool. I felt so special LMAO.
I actually got the specifics about a week after the first email. The directions were weirdly specific... and helpful for someone like me who doesn’t know what to do with North-South-East-West directions; I work better with “Turn right when you see a Mini Stop across the street from a pachinko parlor” types AHAHAHA. Time frame was 5pm to 8-ish, then they specified that Haruto would have less than an hour to get through all the chekis with fans. They also said something about which forms of identification were required, which gifts/letters are accepted, even how the poses were chosen. 
But even with all that... I had no idea what to do. I tried lowkey Googling and stalking butai/idol social media for fan reports and... I couldn’t find anything that answers my questions (and quelled my anxiety over the matter haha). So I hope if you find yourself in the same situation later, AND IF YOU’RE AN OVERSEAS FAN, I hope this long ass post is going to be helpful to you. I’ve been to one other cheki event - with Hiroki Ino in Cosplay Mania 2018 in Manila - but that’s more straightforward than this one. 
(My slogan should be “Will travel for cheki” ahahaha.)
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Now that you’ve read through all that, let’s fast forward to August 27. After a hearty lunch at DiveryCity Tokyo, I made my way to the venue using the EXACT directions they provided in the email. I got there at exactly 5PM. I get by okay by myself in Tokyo but my brother usually acts as translator for me, like a crutch. But like on my May trip, I was by my lonesome on this adventure. 
I see a couple of girls in skirts (I was in a skirt too and it was a good call because it was pretty much dress code lol) waiting by the lobby. The sign said B2F so I go down and see more dressed up girls, some even in a yukata. They started lining up so I do the same. I was trying to make myself look small because I was playing everything by ear. They started calling out everyone who hit for Kento so the line thinned a little bit. I got to the registration desk and the staffer who looked so much like Maki Kawase took my paper confirmation and ID. After looking through her sheet, Nobu’s, she politely corrected me that “Sakuraba-san isn’t until...” she said a time but in my flustered and frankly, embarrassed state, it took me a while to figure it out. She even referred to another staffer behind her for the correct time. I apologized and made my way out but then she pointed to a nearby bench, gesturing for me to stay there instead of going back up.
That was when I started panic tweeting HAHAHAHA. If you don’t want to read further, then please just click on this Twitter Thread instead. Thanks! But if you want Stephen King-level of detail, keep reading. XD
Watching those little kids do scales and random dances calmed me down. Miss Staff-san (let’s just call her that) kept tabs on me, glancing at me from time to time and whenever we’d meet eyes, she’d smile. That kept me grounded. Also, talking to my mutuals who were humoring me was a huge help. I managed to laugh and distract myself. When I started seeing a new batch of girls lining up with Haruto pin badges and an excess of purple on their person, I followed. When Miss Staff-san saw me up next, she gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I went up to register and.. my name was easiest to find since it was the only one in the Roman alphabet. I was number 50 in a list that I think went up to 75. 
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We were herded into an honest to goodness dance practice studio. You know, with all the mirrors and low ceilings. Picture samples of the poses were on the wall, as done by Reo and Haruto. Pose A was your generic “double peace” sign. Pose B was doing an “Asian squat” and the photo was taken from above. Pose C would have you back-to-back with the member. Then there’s the special pose. Haruto teased that he was inspired by Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Hello, Pose C. Haruto Sakuraba is 6′2″ and I am a hobbit. Nope. Plus I’m very basic when it comes to poses. Ask Ino hahaha.
As the room filled, it drove home that I was the only foreigner there. Normally, it wouldn’t have mattered to me but at that moment, I was under a lot of pressure, my earlier faux pas still had me embarrassed, plus my severe lack of Japanese speaking skill was getting to me. I know, it’s all in my head; obviously I overcame it but if you have anxiety, you know how stressful that can be. I tried keeping myself small, trying to blend in. All the while, I kept seeing Miss Staff-san in my periphery and that calmed me down somewhat.
Then they lined us up according to the number on the ticket. I know what 50 is in Japanese so I just kept my ears open for that. I dropped off my fan letters before I could forget (Nobu got one too, handwritten in English but with a typed up translation sheet) then we were led to another, larger dance studio area. At the opposite end of the room were room dividers. They had My dear Summer on loop but I was so in my head that I didn’t even suffer from earworm. I just kept updating Twitter. More for personal sanity than anything ahahhaa.
Haruto took his time with fans. I noticed Reo’s line went by much faster. By the time he was almost done (his started a bit later than ours), I think Haruto’s only on his 20th fan. I calmed down enough to get my bearings back and I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only one losing her mind. The other girls were talking amongst themselves about the back-to-back pose and what they want to say to him. He seemed so friendly, if the laughter and chatting we were hearing from behind the dividers were any indication, and all of us wanted to make a good impression. Giiirl, I wasn’t even sure if the boy spoke a lick of English! XD
Then. It was my turn.
The staffer asked me which pose I want to do and being the boring person that I am, I chose A pose. Another staffer took my purse but all I saw was Haruto up close in his TFG get up.
Haruto: ありがとうございます Me: OMG Hi! 海外 fan  です!  *Haruto’s eyebrows disappear into his fringe. Staff takes pic* Haruto: Ah double peace. Er so... Me: I'm from California. Los Angeles. Haruto: Ah, California. So you don't speak Japanese? Me: A little bit. Your English is good.  Haruto: Aaah, not so much. I try. So when did you get to Japan? Me: Sunday? I'm here for Anisama and to see you! Haruto: Ah thank you so much. Staff: Next! ありがとうございました  *Haruto hands me the cheki. we bow at each other* Haruto: ありがとうございました. Bye-bye! Me: ありがとうございました.
I mean, the whole thing couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds but it felt so much longer. His final  ありがとうございました has a bit of emphasis as if trying to teach me. Oh you! I knew at least that much. 
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Then was I was leaving the booth, I heard the staffers go, "Whoa... I didn't know you can do that!" And he was all "Ay-yah... hehe." GUYS. GUYSSSS!!!! I couldn’t stop smiling... from the moment I just had to the moment he just had to... ALL OF IT! And as I left the venue, Miss Staff-san was right there waiting for me at the door. When she was my delicately holding the cheki in my hand, she patted me on the shoulder and said  “ よくやった!” I never thanked anyone that profusely in my life. (Honestly, her kindness made me tear up.)
I have no flippin’ idea how I kept it together in there. It was a total Yuri On Ice moment where Yuuri just let everything go at that moment and let it all out on the ice when it mattered. I said pretty much everything I wanted to say which wasn’t much. All I wanted to do is to let him know that he has overseas fans. And to test how good his English skills are. 
And let me tell you, it was more than okay. There was absolutely no hesitation in his words. He kept eye contact and oh lawd, his SMILE up close? I don’t know how I’m still here telling you all this. Now every time I hear his voice, I hear it in English ahahaha. (I know he spoke Chinese at a radio show but I wasn’t able to catch that and they haven’t put up the archive at all. Pfft.)
What made me so happy was he ended up impressing not only me but the staff too!!! He even took control of the conversation. The staffers were like "What's going on?" smiling at him as we talked. I'm sofkng proud.
(I should mention that this is technically my 8th time seeing Haruto in person. I saw Tokyo no Jin seven times in May. I figured that would help me a bit with the stress but nope. Although, I cannot wait for everyone to see the TnJ BD and experience his take on Bokuto. You’ll understand this admiration all the more lmao.)
So there it is. If you’re still with me, thank you. I hope I didn’t come across as annoying. I was - am - just so excited that I was able to do this and I wanted to share my experience. Haruto is such a precious sweetheart. I wish him the best of everything.
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 6 years ago
Morose Mononokean II 4 - 7 | Mob Psycho 100 II 4 - 7 | My Roommate is a Cat 4 - 6 | Double Decker! EX 1 | Egao no Daika 5 - 7 | Shield Hero 4 - 6 | Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4 - 6 | Royal Tutor movie
Morose Mononokean II 4
Aw, another little fuzzball to steal away my heart? I’m being spoiled, aren’t I?
For some reason, this episode was meant to be really emotional, but I felt pretty restless while watching it. Probably because I was thinking about playing Merc Storia all that time.
Mob Psycho 100 II 4
Didn’t expect Shinra to be back after his previous appearance…
Notably, you’d expect Matsuo’s name to have the kanji for “pine tree” in it, but it doesn’t - it has the kanji for “demon” and then one more.
I loved it when FLCL and SGRS went into manga mode, but for some reason, the transition into manga mode didn’t land as well here…hmm.
“I’ll go inside her…With an out-of-body experience.” - That sounds majorly wronggggggggggg, Mob, y’know? Even with context.
I find it interesting Mob perceives himself to be naked…as in, unguarded. He’s fine as he is and doesn’t need to change…in some ways, anyway. He could probably do with a few more emotions, but you get what I mean.
Wha-wha-wha-whoaaaaaaaaa. You mean, Mogami just got rid of Mob’s powers??? That is a nasty cliffhanger!
My Roommate is a Cat 4
Just seeing Hiroto near Kawase’s armpit…so unfazed…it’s kinda funny, but only mildly.
Tuxedo cat…ergh. The differences between American and British English never ceases to trip me up…I mean, the term makes sense…it’s just the differences between the types of English I’m annoyed at.
If you observe the OP, you’ll see Haru has that collar…I’m not sure if that’s meant to be a spoiler then…
Haru basically has the mindset of Kaguya and Shirogane, which makes this hilarious (and yet it’s still justified due to being a believable mindset for a stray!).
S-Smug dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out of the way of Haru-chan!
Shield Hero 4
“Draw your swords!” – Wasn’t there a rule saying Naofumi can’t use a sword anyway? Plus, Motoyasu has a spear, not a sword…
Balloon? Now, that’s funny!
Using magic to intervene is the cowardly action, methinks, Myne.
I find it interesting Naofumi sees Raphtalia as a little girl – it’s a perception of vulnerability, potentially weakness – when things are shown through his perspective.
Falling Through Starlight is beautiful, y’know that? Be-a-uuuuuuuuuuu-t-i-ful!
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4
Interestingly, Francine kinda looks like Mami (Madoka Magica).
Wait, is this woman Miura? (Sorry, I’m just wondering why Abigail – the blonde evil magical girl – would choose to use yakiniku to threaten people…)
Oh dear…it’s that train question (save one or save many).
Neding authority before you can actually do anything legal…now that sounds like Double Decker.
“Chef”? I was mortified when it came to the rusalka scene…but I think we already know why Povar is a chef…
CQC? Close quarters combat? Ooh, I’ve never heard it abbreviated before.
Well, I like how Povar and Rusalka Man (can’t spell Russian to save my life) always keep their salaries in mind. Makes them easier to see as evil.
Egao no Daika 5
Oh, this series has two moons? Kind of like Double Decker’s two suns, yeah?
I just realised Lily’s the only one with a skirt on her suit…
Morose Mononokean II 5
I don’t think I’ve seen a Fuzzy-centric episode ever since the first time we met the furball…
That hand on neck thing is apparently a CIA technique if I interpreted it right…just, it’s applied to a purple/white lion, so it’s hard to tell whether it’s the real thing…
Fluffy tadpole is best tadpole. All fluffy things are cute to me, even the lethal ones…I guess.
Seriously, if someone doesn’t call the animation of the Executive sakuga, I don’t know sakuga! That crow is some fancy animation!
Hanae’s mother is scarier than most youkai, given she can give me a nasty jump scare!
Mob Psycho II 5
This episode’s called Discord…which maks me think of the chat program of the same name…weird, huh?
Notably, it’s Dimple’s voice coming from Mob’s mouth…hmm.
That episode was real cool…it’s too bad by turning off the volume at the wrong time, I missed the Sajou no Hana song…
My Roommate is a Cat 5
Roku, Nana, Hachi…haha.
I noticed Haru has smaller eyes than Hachi…aside from the collar of course.
Aw…reunion too cute. I honestly think that this show has a fairly effective use of “filling in the gaps”, as it were, and thus making good use of cuts.
Double Decker! EX 1
Yep, we’re back with Double Decker!!! I’m glad to see it back, really.
Wait…ohhhhhhhhh. So Double Decker! doesn’t just refer to the bus in this show or the system. It means “2 Detectives” in Japanese (in a codeswitching sort of way). It was wordplay all along! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now!
This Deana assassin stuff must be a lie…
(after the commercial break) C’mon, Kirill, buddy. You’re drunk, y’know that, right…? Right??? Update: Oh, not drunk, dreaming. My mistake.
Oh, I was just saying that My Roommate is a Cat dos a nice job “filling in gaps”. Didn’t realise Double Decker did it as well. Also, how the heck is Doug unpopular with women???
So…Kirill actually got hired based on his feminine looks? Geesh, that Travis…
The thing I missed about this show was not being able to play the ED after an episode, so I’m glad to have it back!
Spec Ops Asuka 5
Having Kurumi fix up Nozomi’s arm kind of erases the consequences…but that’s what Kurumi’s for, right?
Barber Scissors…? Is this what happens when you take Kill la Kill way too seriously?
Wowee. Din’t think Sacchuu was capable of dealing nasty punches as well.
There’s gotta be some sort of parallel between Abigail and the queen vs Asuka and Kurumi��
Post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Shield Hero 5
Headbutt to the nuts! Oof!
When it comes to races, the one tune that comes to mind is one from the Dog Island (track 22 from this YouTube playlist).
I swear there was CGI during the race…on Filo.
Please don’t make jokes about Naofumi liking lolis, people. This is not that type of show…
Mononokean 6
Is it just me, or has this epiode been relying on the use of blue speech bubbles for humour more than normal?
It’s Mononokean: Sports Anime edition!
For some reason, I find the name “trashboat” hilarious. It was probably just “ponkotsu” (piece of trash) in practice, but the variation in English is really something to behold…
Ashiya sleeps like an old man, LOL. It must be cosy in that bed…
Moja is just adorable in whatever scene it appears in! Even Moja being dragged down a stream is cute~!
Relaxing your shoulders, huh? That reminds me that that’s a destress technique I haven’t used in a while. My head’s been spinning while I was trying to watch this episode, so I should probably get back to trying to do that stuff…after this episode, of course.
Price of Smiles 6
You think Spec Ops Asuka looks bad? Look at Price of Smiles melt in this “Yuni! You should recover!” scene.
For some reason, this one dude (I forget his name) being a father surprises me. He looks like the type to be single…
The female version of the name “Noel” is Noelle…get that right, people!
Layla’s right when she says one of the main causes of war is the struggle for resources and wealth.
Mob Psycho II 6
I noticed instead of a Mac or something, the computer is a “One” computer.
The board says something a lot more complicated than Saitama’s routine…which means One likes exercise. Maybe…probably.
“Codomo” phone, LOL.
The last time I heard of tofu in anime that I remember…was Boueibu. Something about Ryuu killing a man with tofu.
Somehow it didn’t occur to me until the eyecatch was over but the block…was tofu!
How do you even get drunk when there’s no alcohol in the drink??? (LOL)
Oh! Shinra again!
…Also Jodo Kirin!
Shield Hero 6
Naofumi is giving 0 f**ks about the dressmaker’s love of Filo.
Why is Filo CGI…? It looks unnerving, to be honest with you.
My Roommate is a Cat 6
Eleventh grade…16? 17? Heck, Yugo looks 27, not 17!
Notably, “Comic Polaris” is the name of the magazine that publishes the manga of this. Hence “Novels Polaris”.
Heck, Subaru. In the internet age in particular, people write to affect others. I should know, as someone who did just that just a few years ago!
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine movie
Yay, we’re back! Crunchyroll bringing over movies is definitely increasing my workload for these commentaries, so with all the new things I’ve added to my lists of priorities as of late, I wonder if I can keep up…
Hitting us with CGI in the first minute of the movie…oh man, how far does CGI go these days???
Honestly, in my brain Wagner (Classicaloid) = the twins (this movie) = the Beppus (Boueibu LOVE! LOVE!). They’re very similar in terms of personality…
In the same way, Bruno = Schubert from Classicaloid (but swap one’s Sensei for the other’s Senpai).
Licht = Motz.
It seems like someone liked ponytail!Licht enough to keep him here. So it really wasn’t just me, huh?
Seriously, what’s this “God of War” stuff anyway???
Man, vocal exercises? This takes me back to my piano-playing days…I was a sightreader and only had to do one of the two (out of sightreading and vocal stuff), but there was someone else who had to do both.
This piano is bugging me. Its white keys are black and its black keys are white!
Somehow, Heine’s small top hat suits him. It’s probably because he wears a small beret in that same position usually.
More CGI background characters…*sigh*
Hmm…soft power at its finest(?)
Seriously though, why did that evil Duke guy appear in this movie again??? He has zero use plotwise. Sure, he was important in the first season and if we ever get a second he’ll be important there, but here? Nada!
Have you noticed Heine is in all those dance positions a girl would normally be in??? Hmm! Interesting! But still…if there’s one thing I ever missed from the anime’s experience, it would be-oh, scratch that! This is my cue to watch the cheesy live-action dance ending! I missed it so much!
Egao no Daika 7
Seriously…who is Eins talking to??? Whose emperor???
They still haven’t revealed what this new guy’s name is, even after his introduction…well, technically he was introduced at the River Deese, but we still didn’t learn his name then. (Did we?)
Spec Ops Asuka 6
Is Mia just this show’s version of Kyouko (from Madoka Magica, but American of course)???
Oooooookay, that (with the kissing and stuff) is so not what foreigners are like, people…
Oh, goodness. Have I really been living with this stuff (girl x girl teasing, with Kurumi in particular being one of the more extreme examples I’ve seen) in my magical girl anime for years now? I mean, Suite PreCure is laced with the stuff…
If ordinary rigor mortis business is at work, then I’d say the heater is to speed up the rotting of the corpse…
LOL, there’s Halloween-class…and then there’s Voorhees-class…how appropriate for Disas.
“Only one of the Magical Five would’ve known about that phrase.” – My bets are on Peipei, but we’ll find out for sure…someday.
Mononokean 7
As much as I found the pillow fight scene with Fuzzy in it funny, I swear Abeno is a bit too sadistic for my own good. What is it with some women and their sadistic kinks…?
Abeno calling Ashiya “hunk of junk” makes me think Ashiya isn’t much of a Sousuke (from Classicaloid), but they do have a lot of similar character traits, now that I think of it…hmm.
For some reason, I think Abeno knew the conditions of the deal and what the deal entailed in advance, hence the training camp.
Seiza…means sitting on the floor in the position Ashiya was in (knees to the floor etc).
Mob Psycho II 7
“Cheeseburger Tornado”, LOL.
When Reigen got angry at the TV, I was just like, “It’s Shield Hero (Mob Psycho version)!” I.e. you con the conman and not turn the conned into a conman…or something like that.
Those microphones are so obviously CGI, people…
I know I’m a fan of Yuzuru Tachikawa, but episode 5 actually didn’t do too much for me, to be honest (even though it was visual spectacle, which is Tachikawa’s strong suit). However, while episode 7 looked less punchy overall, it was miles better…
“First-press limited edition? That is the absolute best decision.” – What is that referring to??? Update: It’s referring to the BDs...or DVDs...or both.
Update: Forgot to add Double Decker to the title and tags.
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jessmmorrison · 8 years ago
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original post: http://archatlas.net/post/160672076073
The Art of Hasui Kawase
Hasui Kawase (川瀬 巴水 Kawase Hasui, May 18, 1883 – November 7, 1957) was a Japanese artist. He was one of the most prominent print designers of the shin-hanga (“new prints”) movement. Kawase worked almost exclusively on landscape and townscape prints based on sketches he made in Tokyo and during travels around Japan. However, his prints are not merely meishō (famous places) prints that are typical of earlier ukiyo-e masters such as Hiroshige and Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). Kawase’s prints feature locales that are tranquil and obscure in urbanizing Japan.
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thequillsink · 4 years ago
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Mathew Meyer Interview
Published by grimoireofhorror.com and The Yurei 06/01/21
Mathew Meyer’s is an American artist best known for his traditional Japanese style representations of Yokai, drawn with loving detail to the wood block printing technique of ancient Japan. Mathew regularly posts his work to yokai.com where he has an extensive collection of art depicting many different varieties of folklore entities. Since moving to Japan, Mathew has taken up the extensive role of researching old texts for rare, unknown folklore stories and translating them into English so they can be enjoyed by people to in modern society.
I first became aware of Mathew’s art through his latest crowd funding campaign to help print and distribute the stories he has translated and his artwork for a western audience. I have viewed his extensive collection of art and have fallen for the beautiful details in each piece of work, giving each yokai a real sense of character and charm yet still retaining the time period’s style and colour schemes.
Having become a big fan of his work, I decided to reach out to Mathew to try and get a better understanding of his passion for folklore and Yokai.
How old were you when you first started to draw? I've always loved drawing. I was one of those kids who you could sit down in front of a stack of paper and I would just go through page by page drawing all day long. I think I probably spent most of my childhood doodling on remes of printer paper while the other kids were outside making friends, playing sports, and getting sun. Even today, when I start drawing I tend to enter a trance and forget about everything else. Who are your inspirations for your art style? There are so many sources of inspiration for me that it's hard to narrow down. It's one of those things where you see a beautiful mountain or a fantastic color in the sea, and all you want to do is capture it on paper. The same goes for artists. There are so many people whose art just fills me with a desire to create on my own. Some of them are famous, like the masters of illustration I studied in classes. Others are not, like some of the accounts I follow on social media. I tend to think of inspiration coming from specific images rather than specific artists. However, if I had to narrow it down to just two people whose work consistently moves me, I would point to James Gurney and Kawase Hasui. James Gurney is one of the artists who made me really want to focus on art as a career, rather than a hobby or something to do just for fun. He is a master not just of color and light, but of fantasy. When he paints something fantastic, it looks so natural that it's hard to believe that he wasn't really there, observing it from life. Kawase Hasui's work is some of the most beautiful woodblock printing I have ever seen. I'm a huge fan of Japanese woodblock prints going back hundreds of years, but to me Kawase Hasui's prints are the highest point in that genre. Like James Gurney, it's his mastery of color and light that makes his prints stand out so far above all others. What started your interest in Yokai? Ghosts and monsters have always been a fascination to me, ever since I was a child. When I moved to Japan I wanted to know more about local spirits and spooks, so I spent some time looking into that subject. However, what really attracted me to them was the artwork. Yokai are a huge part of Japan's art history, and they have such a unique and impactful appearance that it's hard not to become enchanted by them immediately. How long have you been living in Japan? I moved here in 2007. How long does it take to translate a story from Kanji to English? That depends on a lot of things. Some of the materials I work from are very old and written in archaic scripts and speech styles which take more time to decipher. It's always nice when I can find a modern Japanese translation of an older Japanese text. If a source has lots of historical or cultural references in it, it can take a lot more time to come up with a good English version. It's not enough to just simply translate the text; you have to make sure context and idioms are accounted for. And English and Japanese are completely unrelated to each other, and do not have a shared literary history like is the case with European languages. That makes them especially difficult to translate between. To give you some idea of how long it takes, I try to produce about one yokai per week, which includes both translation and painting the image. Sometimes it takes more than a week, sometimes it takes less. Each entry is different, so that's about as precise as I can get. What would you say are the greatest difficulties whilst translating? Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in translation? I think it's easy to underestimate just how much work and education a good translation requires. It's so much more than just swapping words and grammar from one language to another. Depending on what you're translating, you have to understand the history and cultural context of whatever the topic is. I don't know how qualified I am to offer advice, because while I do translate things, I don't really consider myself as having a career in translation. But I can say that one of the things which has been so helpful to me has been living in the language that I work in. While it wouldn't be impossible to do my work in my birth country, living in Japan has made it so much easier to work in the language. I would recommend that anyone interested in a career like that spend as much time living abroad as possible. What would you say are your three favourite Yokai and your reasons why? My favorite yokai would have to be ao andon. It represents the very essence of fear itself. So much of what we fear is not real, but just a construct we make in our minds. Ao andon is the physical manifestation of that idea. After ao andon, it's impossible for me to pick a second and third. Every yokai has something wondrous about it that attracts me to them, and my favorite ones change daily depending on my mood. But I do like that there's essentially a yokai for every occasion. What has been your favourite part of making your newest book The Fox's Wedding?
My favorite part of all of my yokai projects is interacting with yokai fans. I started working with yokai because there was not a lot of information about them in English, and very few people knew about them. It's a very niche subject. But niche subjects tend to attract passionate people. While there certainly are casual yokai fans, I think that yokai tend to inspire a lot of devotion and passion. And people who are passionate about something are always fun to talk to! Do you have any other projects you would like to mention?
I have a Patreon (patreon.com/osarusan) which supports me throughout the year and helps me keep on creating yokai. Patrons can get monthly yokai postcards, as well as discuss behind-the-scenes information about my illustrations and translations that end up not going into my books or on yokai.com. And since I get so many emails from yokai.com readers who have requests for what yokai I paint next, I've had to limit requests to just my patrons as well. I think it's a wonderful community of very passionate yokai fans. For anyone who has special yokai requests or wants to get even more background on the yokai I post, I would recommend joining my Patreon!
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the-bibrarian · 8 years ago
Re-bonjour :) Oui alors, est-ce que tu pourrais faire un post racontant un peu ton parcours et ton rapport au Japon?
Bonjour again, anon :)
I’m going to answer in English, simply because I think it’s the language most of my followers have in common. Hope that’s OK.
So I’m not sure I found anything really interesting to say about me, myself and Japanese, but here goes: I’m a 31yo Frenchwoman, a graphic designer with two kids, studying Japanese in my spare time (I know, I’m like a hundred in tumblr years).
I think I’ve always been attracted by Japan and its culture. My father had books of Japanese engravings and photographs lying around the house, and I read short stories by Kawabata and Sōseki from his library fairly early on.
While I was in Junior high and high school, however, I was taking English, Spanish and either Latin, Ancient Greek or Russian. There was no Japanese at my school and honestly, I had my hands full.
Then art school and life happened, and it’s only now that I’m getting around to learning Japanese. All the while, I’ve never lost my interest in Japan and there’s a lot I love, either in literature, cinema, or manga.
I tried once to learn by myself, but I had too much going on to really make any progress. Now I’m enrolled in classes at a French-Japanese cultural centre, and although I do a lot on my own, it really helps.
About 3 months ago, I went to Japan with my family, and even my limited skills made all the difference in the world. We could exchange a little with everyone we met, and it really put people at ease. 10/10 would recommend.
So far I really love studying Japanese. I like the sound of it, the way it works, and, call me a masochist, but I even like learning new kanji. I really love writing by hand in Japanese, it’s almost meditative, the way the strokes flow.
Anyway, that’s me, finally learning Japanese, and enjoying it a lot. I’ve really loved posting about it on tumblr. I’ve met some lovely people, and each exchange is precious. The langblr community is one of the nicest and most welcoming I’ve known. Plus, every like and reblog doesn’t hurt in terms of motivation, tbh.
A few of my favourites writers and directors from Japan, so this post isn’t a complete loss: Writers:- Hiromi Kawakami(川上 弘美)- Banana Yoshimoto(吉本 ばなな)- Yōko Ogawa(小川 洋子)- Haruki Murakami(村上 春樹)Directors:- Naomi Kawase(河瀬 直美)- Hirokazu Koreeda(是枝 裕和)- Takeshi Kitano(ビートたけし)- Shohei Imamura(今村 昌平)- Katsuhito Ishii(石井 克人)- Yasujirō Ozu(小津 安二郎)- and my absolu fave, in all the world and across all dimensions, for ever and ever, and not a small part of my enduring interest in all things Japanese: Hayao Miyazaki(宮崎 駿).
(Also, I love tea, and Japan makes some damn good tea.)
Well, I think that’s enough rambling for today and hope I answered your question. またね〜 ^_^
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dare-g · 4 years ago
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Being Natural (2018)
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natsuirobtob · 8 years ago
Song: MOVIE -JPN ver.- Artist: BTOB Single: MOVIE -JPN ver.-
超メンタルすげぇ 最初の印象Bad 君の隣僕なんかじゃもったいない? なら男らしくなっちゃえばいいでしょ!ねぇ、そうでしょう? 今夜は踊り明かせHey DJ
飾り始める女子危ねぇ どれどれ?品定めされるMan 無理だ無理だ危ねぇ 惑わされすれすれ躱せ! I belong to my lady くだらんジョーカーおもちゃのCake 最高以外シャットアウトすべてをPass Make history or not ノリじゃん発想いいぞAll night alright
ちょっと目回るよちょっと待ってよ 霞まぬバタフライもうありのままJump up 本当はちょっと寂しいんだよねぇ聞いてよ Please don't leave me baby
Love is like a movie予定調和 それなりに君を愛したいんだ 何度だって何度だってこれが僕の全て ねぇ、しっかり受けとめて
飲み干すその前に 2杯目なんてDon't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man今度こそ 最高で最後の恋にしよう
Before it's too late, girl, you better stop fronting I'm one in a million, limited edition No kidding, you'll be wishing you could be my Mrs. Sooner or later, girl, you'll want that position When I walk up in the club all the girls stare at me I'm the only thing they see and the guys wish they were me 'Cause I'm fresh and clean from my head to my feet I'm the definition of the word masterpiece
最高の美しさ That's what you are この感情いつ感じたのか? 思い出せない 誰が持ってるの? 全身に電気が流れる感じ 勃発寸前ミサイルじゃねぇ? 溢れる魅力が君からBomb bomb クソなエンディングBye bye 忘れちゃだめ「君の名は」
Love is like a movie予定調和 それなりに君を愛したいんだ 何度だって何度だってこれが僕の全て ねぇ、しっかり受けとめて
飲み干すその前に 2杯目なんてDon't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man今度こそ 最高で最後の恋にしよう
真夜中Light up 置いてかれないで なんとかCatchして抱きしめあえば Move your body right now 一緒に行きたいな Do it again do it again do it again yeah
Love is like a movie予定調和 それなりに君を愛したいんだ 何度だって何度だってこれが僕の全て ねぇ、しっかり受けとめて
飲み干すその前に 2杯目なんてDon't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man今度こそ 最高で最後の恋にしよう
chou mentaru sugee saisho no inshou Bad kimi no tonari boku nankajya mottainai nara otokorashiku nacchaeba iideshou! nee soudeshou? konya wa odoriakase Hey DJ
kazari hajimeru joshi abunee dore dore? shinasa damesareru Man murida murida abunee madowasare sure sure kawase! I belong to my lady kudaran Joker omocha no Cake saikou igai shut out subete wo Pass Make history or not norijyan hassou iizou All night alright
chotto me mawaruyo chotto matteyo kasumanu butterfly mou arinomama Jump up hontou wa chotto sabishiindayo nee kiiteyo Please don't leave me baby
Love is like a movie yotei chouwa sore narini kimi wo aishitainda nando datte nando datte kore ga boku no subete nee shikari uketomete
nomi hosu sono mae ni ni haime nante Don't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man kondo koso saikou de saigo no koi ni shiyou
Before it's too late, girl, you better stop fronting I'm one in a million, limited edition No kidding, you'll be wishing you could be my Mrs. Sooner or later, girl, you'll want that position When I walk up in the club all the girls stare at me I'm the only thing they see and the guys wish they were me 'Cause I'm fresh and clean from my head to my feet I'm the definition of the word masterpiece
saikou no utsukushisa That's what you are kono kanjou itsu kanjita no ka? omoi dasenai dare ga motteru no? zenshin ni denki ga nagareru kanji boppatsu sunzen misairu janee? afureru miryoku ga kimi kara Bomb bomb kuso na ending Bye bye wasurecha dame "kimi no na wa"
Love is like a movie yotei chouwa sore narini kimi wo aishitainda nando datte nando datte kore ga boku no subete nee shikari uketomete
nomi hosu sono mae ni ni haime nante Don't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man kondo koso saikou de saigo no koi ni shiyou
mayonaka Light up oite karenaide nantoka Catch shite dakishime aeba Move your body right now issho ni ikitaina Do it again do it again do it again yeah
Love is like a movie yotei chouwa sore narini kimi wo aishitainda nando datte nando datte kore ga boku no subete nee shikari uketomete
nomi hosu sono mae ni ni haime nante Don't say, Sweet baby I'll be your man kondo koso saikou de saigo no koi ni shiyou
I'm such a genius. My first impression to you was Bad You said it'd be a waste if I was the one by your side So, I can just become manlier! Right? Let us dance tonight, Hey DJ
When girls start to dress up, it's danger Which one? Which one? A man's evaluation begins It's impossible, impossible, it's dangerous He gets tempted; don't be so easily swayed! I belong to my lady A good-for-nothing Joker with a toy cake Shut out all except the best, Pass everyone else Make history or not Seems simple, this idea is great, All night alright
My eyes slightly wander, wait a moment I see a dim sight of a butterfly Jump up normally Truthfully, I'm a little lonely, please hear me out Please don't leave me baby
Love is like a movie, a planned out harmony so I want to love you accordingly over and over, I'll give you my everything So, hey, firmly accept me
Without finishing your first glass* Don't say you want a second one, Sweet baby I'll be your man, and this time let it be our best and last love
Before it's too late, girl, you better stop fronting I'm one in a million, limited edition No kidding, you'll be wishing you could be my Mrs. Sooner or later, girl, you'll want that position When I walk up in the club all the girls stare at me I'm the only thing they see and the guys wish they were me 'Cause I'm fresh and clean from my head to my feet I'm the definition of the word masterpiece
The most beautiful person That's what you are when did I start feeling this way? I can't quite remember Who's the one holding on to it? It feels like electricity is running through my body Isn't it a missile on the verge of explosion? Your overflowing charms shoot at me Bomb bomb A crappy ending like this, Bye bye But I can't forget it, "Your Name"
Love is like a movie, a planned out harmony so I want to love you accordingly over and over, I'll give you my everything So, hey, firmly accept me
Without finishing your first glass* Don't say you want a second one, Sweet baby I'll be your man, and this time let it be our best and last love
Light up the midnight don't leave me behind If I can somehow Catch you in my arms and hold you Move your body right now I want to go with you Do it again do it again do it again yeah
Love is like a movie, a planned out harmony so I want to love you accordingly over and over, I'll give you my everything So, hey, firmly accept me
Without finishing your first glass* Don't say you want a second one, Sweet baby I'll be your man, and this time let it be our best and last love
translation & romanization by @natsuirobtob/
*T/N: words that were used refer to drinking up a glass of something alcoholic
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